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Friday 28 October 2011

Ask not what your country can do for you...

This is a tricky topic to write about - not because I can't think of any, but whittling it down to one is a challenge. I have plenty of soap box topics. Disibility rights, Equalities in general, the importance of libraries, living in a socially and ecologically responsible manner. In our discussion at the last meet up, we started out thinking about whether there was something we felt Hebden lacked - something which would improve it. We talked about the Hairy Bikers Meals on Wheels programme, and care for the elderly in general. I think my cause to champion is relevant both locally and also from a wider perspective. What shall I call it, what snappy brand - Considerate Communities? Something like that.
I'd like us all to look at ourselves, and our place in our communities. Do we do enough? Do we take more than we give? Do we enjoy the benefits and feel no obligation to make any input - just assuming the things we like will carry on being there indefinitely, arranged or protected by someone else. Once upon a time communities were smaller and more interlinked through family. Not to say no one ever went without, but if things were as they should be, people shared responsibility for caring for children, the elderly or infirm. They got together to celebrate and commiserate, and commemorate. How many times do we see some such bridge, building or statue - with a plaque telling us that they were erected through public subscription. These days all we ever hear is people moaning about whatever use our councils or governments see fit to put our tax money to. If we look around and see what our community needs to remain, or become, the community we want it to be, then I would like us each to do what we can to help. If we want beautiful countryside, full of wildlife, then amend our behaviours and buying habits to protect it. Go out and volunteer to pick up litter, or improve habitats. If we want a vibrant town full of local independent shops - do as much of your shopping and present buying in those shops as you can - even open one up yourself. If we want people to be looked after and part of the community - reach out to those who might be lonely or insecure, and see if you can do anything to help. And then step it up - Regionally, Nationally, Internationally. What do you want to see, and what can you do to help?
I want everyone to have equal and good qualtiy access to information, education, and healthcare. Therefore I support libraries, state schools and the NHS. What can I do to make that support clear? Be a member of the library, get books out, use the internet, hire DVDs or CDs, use their online information resources. Go to events and evangelise for them, so that other people can know what they can do if they are not already aware. Write in protest at any plans to change services in a way that I believe would reduce the quality of the service, contribute to consultations on how it may be improved. Join in in any action which seeks to challenge the loss of these vital community resources.
Libraries, Education and the NHS are all examples of things that this country's community got together and thought - people need this, lets get together and provide it. Ditto once long ago to the armed forces, roads, postal services. When thinking about how these things should be provided, I always ask, can we afford to lose it. Because to put things in private hands, you have to be prepared for the company running it to say - this isn't profitable, I'm not going to bother any more. Or else change it so that it is no longer the service you want it to be. Philanthropic benefactors are wonderful - but we shouldn't have to rely on the goodness of some wealthy person's heart for essential services. The people who got together to build a bridge in Hebden knew that. They needed a bridge, they got together and built one. They knew not everyone who would use the bridge could afford to contribute. They didn't make it a private bridge.
Internationally - the possible causes are endless, and in many cases it feels like there's little any one person can do to change things. But we each have a voice, and a brain - we can go and learn as much about why things are the way they are, and try and think how they might be better. And then talk about it. I agree with Robert on this one - don't just bemoan how bad things are, think positive, and try and think about how they can be better.
Imagine if we all put 10% of our free time, and 10% of our expendable income into trying to make the world a better place. I wonder if it would work.

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