Club information

We're having a winter hiatus. Blog club will meet again in February 2012

Saturday 24 September 2011

Annie's post

I love living in Hebden.” I said to a new acquaintance, one of the many I've made since I moved here just over 12 months ago, “It's hippy yet zippy and...” “Dippy, aye, it's dippy all right.” he quickly added.

Hippy, zippy and dippy – what more could you want? Something for everyone.

I moved here from south Manchester when I sold my home, as there was no further need to live near my youngest daughter's private school in Altrincham. My work, as a responsible parent was largely done.
Good A levels results had been achieved and Juliet had been waved off to university in Leeds. With the end of a relationship where I had moved briefly to Saddleworth - I could now move wherever I chose. And without any hesitation, deviation or repetition of considered plans I looked to rent in Hebden. And I've never looked back....well, except with occasional glances at the London job market. A girl has to eat.

I didn't arrive 'cold' of course. I had been delightfully acquainted with HB via my friend Jo. I loved my weekend stays at her quaint under dwelling and was deeply envious of her living in such a stimulating and yet countrified setting. She had the best of both worlds and an easy commute to Manchester or Leeds.
One day, I thought to myself, one a wannabe writer I knew instinctively that this was the place I needed to be to encourage my creative juices to come up to a steady rolling boil.

And the day eventually came. And here I am. Work has been produced, a publishing contract is in the post, appearances at local literary festivals have been made with a couple more to come before the season is out.

And in addition, there's the ease of living in Hebden, films at the Picture house to see, gigs at the Trades, a stimulating and fun monthly book group to attend, other creative groups joined like this blog group. The potential to make new friends is a constant. If you are fortunate to have a curious mind you can easily find yourself with a trio of choices about how to spend your leisure time here – especially at the weekend.
And sometimes there is nothing nicer than on a Saturday morning to stroll into town, buy some groceries, run some errands and invariably bump into yet another new friend in the making...

That's why Hart hearts Hebden – potentially anything can happen and invariably in a nice and timely way it does. And it doesn't rain – that much. Not really. I just wished someone had told me about slugs in the kitchen, where do they come from? Where do they go come the dawn?

Oh well, even Eden had a serpent.


  1. I posted this for Annie, we'll sort out the guest posting soon.

  2. HB is lucky to have you Annie. Jo x
